What is Adventist in Adventist Mission?
with Gorden Doss
Presentation from the Adventist Virtual Global Campmeeting
In this presentation, Dr. Gorden Doss, Professor at Andrews University gives a presentation on What is Adventist in Adventist Mission? This presentation is strongly based on the book written by Dr. Gorden called Introduction to Adventist Mission. This presentation was originally recorded for the Adventist Virtual Global Campmeeting, and we are bringing it to you in the video format.
Now Adventist Mission has a sold foundation based on this book (at least based on this review) and thank God for leading Prof Doss (and others) in the production of this trailblazing book. As a lay member sensing a call to reach out across the cultural barriers with the Gospel – my zeal alone would not have been adequate. Having been engaged in lay evangelism and lay chaplaincy and currently busy with the IWM online courses, I am now fully convinced of the value of studying missions – at least whilst also dong it – mainly because of the need to understand the ‘why’ of missions as well as to understand other Theological issues together with the historical and cultural issues of missions from an Adventist perspective. This book should not only be used at our Theological seminaries but can also be ‘prescribed’ to practicing missionaries already on the mission field.