The IWM Podcast

The IWM Podcast is a downloadable radio program for Adventist cross-cultural missionaries, expat employees, mission leaders, as well as Adventist missions enthusiasts.

Listen to our most recent episodes or click on the page numbers below our featured episodes to discover more.

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December 24,2021
#Missionary Stories #Missionary Stories #Missionary Stories #Missionary Stories  
December 17,2021
#Culture & Worldview #Transition & Adjustment, new country #Cross-cultrual Leadership, work #Intercultural Communication, conflict, cross-cultural communication #Tentmaking
December 10,2021
#Culture & Worldview #Transition & Adjustment #Cross-cultrual Leadership #Intercultural Communication #Tentmaking  
December 3,2021
#Missionary Health, mental health, physical health, spiritual health #Mission Strategy, vision, task, challenge
November 26,2021
#Third Culture Kids, TCKs, MKs, Missionary kids #Family, money, safety, security, spirituality, pastoral care

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Featured Theme Pages

Our goal is to help you go deeper than individual podcast episodes usually allow.

With that we present to you the IWM Featured Theme Pages.

Each page is a collection of all podcast episodes, together with other resources on this website, around a specific topic of interest. Below is a quick sample. Slide to the left or to the right to get the idea.