Mission Institute & Re-Entry Events
A Mission Institute is a three-week workshop provided by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for missionaries. Volunteers, supporting ministries missionaries, tentmakers, and local church leaders are invited too!
Course Catalog
As the training and equipping arm of the GC Secretariat for cross-cultural mission, IWM is continually creating online courses to help equip and support you as you engage in cross-cultural work. Organized to focus on five important areas for mission success, explore the options currently available.
Publications from IWM that will be useful to volunteer missionaries, student missionaries, supporting ministries missionaries, self-supporting (tentmaker) missionaries, as well as the church missionaries that come to our Institutes.
Kids Corner
IWM resources for young missionaries.
Global Mission Centers
These Centers help us understand the beliefs and cultures of other world religions and equip Adventists to interact with them in social and business settings.
ISE Care Team
Meet and connect with the Missionary Care Team.