Learn with IWM

At Institute of World Mission, we help train missionaries for the world church.

Mission Institute & Re-Entry Events

A Mission Institute is a three-week workshop provided by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for missionaries. Volunteers, supporting ministries missionaries, tentmakers, and local church leaders are invited too!

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Course Catalog

As the training and equipping arm of the GC Secretariat for cross-cultural mission, IWM is continually creating online courses to help equip and support you as you engage in cross-cultural work. Organized to focus on five important areas for mission success, explore the options currently available. 

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Every month, we offer access to live learning events to our Mission Institute alumni and church-employed missionaries currently in the field.

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We publish at least one new article every week. Our goal is to focus on your most pertinent questions and interests. Explore the latest posts or search through our archives.

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IWM Podcast is a weekly radio show where we interview mission practitioners and leaders on topics and themes of critical importance to Adventist mission enthusiasts.

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