Featured Themes
Grow Spiritually
When we read mission stories, whether old or new, we are inspired by the excitement and adventure of missionary life. We are captivated every time the missionaries’ jaw-dropping adventures are punctuated by awe-inspiring miracles and divine interventions…
Think Biblically
As those called to fulfill God’s mission to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, it is imperative that we stay connected with and immersed in God’s Word, for in its words we find spirit and life (John 6:63)…
Reason Missiologically
Cross-cultural mission work requires that we learn to think missiologically. How does God’s Word impact the local culture? …
Live Wholistically
Taking a call that requires a move to a new place brings its own set of challenges. Learning to live in a new environment can be difficult and can strain even the most flexible and patient missionaries…
Serve Incarnationally
Living a life of service is both a blessing and a challenge. Sometimes the needs of a community are so obvious and overwhelming that it can be hard to know where to begin…